My Beautiful Happy Place

This is my beautiful, wonderful, special, extraordinary happy place. Why is that so? Well, this is a tough question. My happy place is malleable. It is changing. Have a lot of different happy places. tight now this is my happy place.

It is my work desk in front of a large window Overlooking the mountains. There are my friends. The kids. The four legged kids that is. They know I’m at my happy place. They come up and say hello. On cold mornings they make little clouds on the window with their noses. I can see the hot air balloons rising into the sky. I can see the flame to heat up the air to make them go up. A bit later I can hear the noise of the gas burner. Like in thunderstorms, I count the seconds from when I see the flame to when I hear the burner. A bit over 6 seconds. That means they are a little bit under two kilometres away. Give or take. It’s not exact, but it’s something that my dad has thought me when I was little.

The Galahs are out and about as well. They are funny buggers. They hang in the trees and knock off the fruit. I have given up on the fruit a while ago. What’s the point. The galahs get it anyway. It’s not like they want to eat it all. Oh no. They delicately clip the fruit off at the stem and watch it drop. It’s like a game for them. What a wast you might think. It is a to some extend. However, you didn’t count in that there are the goats below and they like the fruit that falls down. Sometimes I think they work together.

And then there are the honks. The two geese. They come waddling up around the corner. They go through the fruit as well. You’d think they can’t crack open an apple. You’re wrong there. Their bills are super strong. Anyone who had been bitten by a honk knows that. It bloody hurts. On days like today they are happy out there looking fro snails and grubs, it’s what they do best.

Now I said that this isn’t always my happy place. Sometimes I have to work on a deadline. Then all this is a distraction. I close the blinds and concentrate on my job. I can still hear the bling bling of the goat bells, the honking of the goats, the squaking of the galahs and the huffing of the hot air balloons. Truthfully, the blinds don’t stay closed for long. I open them with a sigh of relief and a smile. The kids see that and come to the window and happily paint little clouds on it. They know what I need. Even on days when I feel like nothing is working, they come up to the window and so something funny. It makes me smile and I’m relaxed at work.

This is my happy place.

The end.


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