Lest We Forget

Every year on November 11, at 11, we remember when the guns have fallen silent. We remember the soldiers who have fallen for us. We remember the survivors who have fought for all. I have to be honest here...

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Australia Day 2019

Australia Day is here again. It will open old wounds and create new ones. I personally don't want to enter the discussion. It's a topic that ends up in tears. The more I read into it, the more I...

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Trumps sword of Damocles

...and with great fortune and power comes also great danger...! Now I have to put a disclaimer upfront. You see, I'm not politically active per se. But I have a keen interest in what is happening in the world of...

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A spider is wrecking a car, resulting in a rollover

How did we get here? A spider is wrecking a car? That can hardly be right. Then again, the big newspapers can get away with that sort of headlines. Why shouldn't I? Lets start this story from the top. I...

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Brexit cartoon and video of how Britain is in the poop

Right, Brexit. It's way too political for me, but good enough for a cartoon. I know this has happened a while ago. I don't really care as I want to try out a new thing. This is what this...

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Week 7. Kindergarten Challenge

When you think about kindergarten, what is the first thing you think about? I bet it's when you were a child and your first experience with other kids. But what if I rephrase this question. What is the biggest...

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Paris Attacks

Paris got attacked over the weekend. On Friday night on November 13, 2015 the city of love suffered a blow to the guts. There is nothing nice to say about that. These things are terrible. Paris will bounce back...

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Leadership spill between Abbott and Turnbull

Who's going to be our next Prime Minister? I don't care as long as it is a good one! Is this one a good one? Time will tell. The best thing about it is that we have plenty of material...

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New Development in Healesville

What's going on in the west? Who knows. There is that old saw ill site that is getting developed. It was a bit of an uproar in town about it as no one really wants a fast food outlet...

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Tony Abbott as Pinocchio

Is Tony Abbott lying? Of course....not-ish, sort of, whatever maybe possible? It's hard to tell. On the other hand, how do you tell if a politician is lying? His lips are moving. Bad joke. This was just a response to a little...

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