Forward to 1984?

How come we are going backwards? Daylight savings is here again, at least in the Southern Hemisphere. But in the grand theme of things we seems to head backwards. The 1984 novel seems to ring true in more than many uncomfortable ways.

This cartoon is for the weekly publication of Star Mail News in the Yarra Valley. Yes, there are still print news out there for regional towns. I did this a couple of weeks ago when we set the times forward. With all the things happening right now it felt more like heading back.

You can find out about the Star Mail News here

We are forever more entrenched in media and portable devices. Everything we do these days involves a phone. If not a phone then a pad or a computer. Kids these days feel uneasy when their phone is missing or has been taken away from them.

So is this a move back to 1984? I think so. We are under ever increasing surveillance. Everything we do is recorded in one way or another. Where we drive, what we buy and who we see. 1984 is real. It’s all around us. It’s too late to change now. We have to make the best with what we have.

That’s all from me. I’m still positive. I get old and cranky. I still use computers and have fun with my cartoons. You can watch me all day. I hope you get a giggle out of it.



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