Grubby and Dee Dee caricature

How about a caricature of some faces we only hear? That’s right. Radio personalities are often heard and not seen. May I present you 3AW radio hosts Grubby and Dee Dee. I’m happy to say that I twisted their faces a little bit. That’s what I do.

I have never met them. I listen to their show when it was on. Now Dee Dee is going solo at 3AW. To be honest I don’t even know what Grubby is up to right now. Maybe you can fill me in if you know.

My job was to draw Dee Dee first. The Australian Cartoon Museum is reaching out to get caricatures done of as many celebrities as possible. Since they have an insider at 3AW it was an obvious choice. Leather on I was asked to add Grubby.

Now you might wonder about this Australian Cartoon Museum? Sure. May I help you? You can click on the link in the name or just type this address into the address bar in your browser:

I will talk about it at another blog in more detail. Meanwhile, please go to their site and look around. Watch the videos, there are hundreds of them. If you have an interest in cartooning and caricatures, there is no better place to go.

In upcoming blogs I bring you more caricatures of radio people. Of course I have heaps of other faces I can show you. Be patient and watch this space.

Until then, have fun



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