INKtober part 3, page 11 to 15

Welcome to the third edition of the INKtober inklings. I have a few new inklings for you. Again, they come in a batch of 5. I’m a bit behind the eight ball but I try my best to catch up soon. Let’s get straight into the last INKtober inklings.

For INKtober 11 I drew a tooth fairy. I wasn’t sure what I should draw when I started. I treat them a bit like a warm up drawing before I had into some more serious sketching. This INKtober sketch was a bit fun to draw.

The INKtober inkling was an exercise for caricaturing. Kate Beckinsdale, or whatever her name is, had to stand in for me. It’s not finished on this drawing. I finished it a bit later. This exercise is only to do the inklings.

With a 13th in tow I couldn’t resist to draw a chainsaw wielding maniac for todays INKtober. I like those lighthearted drawings. It didn’t take me long to do this one. Not all drawings need to take long. I have other things to do as well.

Here I was hungry. Drawing created hunger. The INKtober is no exception. so, what to draw when you’re hungry? A hamburger will just do fine. But then  guy came into the picture and wanted to eat my hamburger. I had nothing of that so I stabbed him with my fork. Serves him right trying to eat my hamburger…

The last one I have for you in this episode of INKtober is a bit of a cheeky one. There is that girl and that guy with the jackhammer. It’s an old joke and it has been done a thousand times before. So I drew it again. It was a bit of fun to do. I didn’t wast much time on it.

There you go. You have a bunch of inklings now. I hope you like them and join me again in a few days time for five more. I do this until the end of the month and then resume my normal drawings. All the regulars should be here as well. So you won’t miss out on anything.



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