Week 38. Fauna Goat Challenge

What is Fauna? Google it and you find the exact description. This week it’s the Fauna Challenge. The goats are all part of Fauna. But the world Fauna is a latin word. A Roman goddess is called Fauna. The goddess of land and fertility. A Roman God called Faunus is related to spiritual forrest creatures, the Fauns.

illo52week, Faun, goat,

A little Faun meets a goat kid in the paddock.

I have drawn this little Faun who likes the little kid. He’s cute isn’t he. He’s also tiny. But he will grow up and become a proper Faun. At this stage he’s like the little kids, very curious. You don’t see Fauns very often. They are shy and stick to themselves.

Did you know that a Faun is related to Pan? Pan is the Greek equivalent to a Faun. I suppose the mythical creatures are all over the ancient world.

I enjoyed drawing this one. I made a few sketches with this little faun and I liked it. I might use him again in a feature comic I started to create. Do you want to know more about my technique? It’s quite simple. I have an idea and start sketching. All by hand. I enjoy the quiet time when you don’t have to look at t computer screen. This is bad enough that I have to spend som much time working on this website. But once the sketch is done I leave it alone for a bit. Only after a few days you see a few mistakes. Sometimes I make changes. If not I head straight into inking and colouring. Done. I do a bit of correction work on Photoshop and then I’m done.

And this is all I have for you today. I have to burry myself in cartoons again.



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