FTC 102, Fight the “Balls”

Fight the "Balls" on a foreign planet? That doesn't sound like a blockbuster movie. You're right, we are still on that foreign planet and the balls are in for a fight. They are the citizens of that planet. Slayrstz...

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Valentines Day is over and dusted for another year. I hope you had a lovely day and didn't get beat up about forgetting it. Actually it's pretty damn hard to forget. My phone reminded me and I didn't even...

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FTC 101. Superhorse escapes prison

We have a Superhorse. Well, not really. But we have a horse that can jump like a superhorse thanks to the low gravity. They are still on that planted and they are now out of the prison. That is...

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Week 6, Printing Challenge

Printing was a funny challenge. I enjoyed that one. I was toying with the idea of Gutenberg and his print. I was sure a lot of others would use that theme as well. I couldn't use the kids in...

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Week 5: 1920’s challenge

1920, the year of the silent movies, fancy dances and jazz. And of course the goat kids. They managed to get into the picture with Charlie Chaplin. What else do you know about the 20's? I wasn't there when...

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Page 99, escape from prison

Escape from a prison isn't easy at the best of times. Escaping from a prison on a foreign planet is a whole different ball game. Our friends are still on that planet. They found a way to pop that...

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Week 4: Swimming Goat Challenge

Swimming goats? You have finally gone nuts! But no, check it out. Most goats don't particularly like the water or the rain. But they would go for a swim. Generally there has to be something they like on the...

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Happy Australia Day 2016

Happy Australia Day. I think this is all I can say. How are you celebrating Australia Day? Let me guess. You have a barbie and a few tinies? No? You're not much of an Australian then. Nah, just kidding. I...

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Going too slow through the corners

Being slow isn't all that bad. You just have to be consistent and look out for others. I'm a motorcyclist, don't hold it against me. I have been riding for quite some time now. I've seen a lot on...

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A prick of a place. The Friday Toilet Cartoon

At last they find a way out. With the help of a prick. They are on a foreign planet in prison. How they got there is a long story and you have to read a few pages back until...

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