Terrible news this morning about the shooting in Paris.

I just wanted to start a new category about political cartoons when the news broke. Like most of us who are in the art industry are shocked by this act.

Terrorist France

Let’s remember and draw for the slain cartoonist colleagues Stephane Charbonnier, Jean Cabut, Bernard Verlhac and Georges Wolinski, the 2005 winner of the Grand Prix de la ville d’Angoulême. I hope I got that right.

It’s a shame it came to this. But we shouldn’t hate. Hate breeds hate. Cartoonists are friendly people. We love what we do. We draw pictures, stories, books. We want to make others laugh, think and discuss a topic. We want people to enjoy our creations. We do this because we love it. We acre cynical at times but not hateful.

So why don’t you hug a cartoonist today? Oh, you don’t know any. Well, if you happen to know one give him or her a hug. If you don’t, buy a comic book, a newspaper with a comic section, read it and laugh. Enjoy the cartoon and think of something happy. We want this world to be happy. Write into the local newspaper and tell them you want more comics, local comics because they make you happy. You want to see something that makes you laugh, something bright, something that will make you day go by with a smile. There is enough doom and gloom out there in the media.

Now go on, get a comic book and enjoy it.


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  1. GO DANNY! This is great. Have you discussed pay and entitlements with the Goats’ Union?

    • G’day Emo. Welcome here in this distant corner of the inter web where strange and wonderful things happen. Strangely enough the goats’ union has paid the billy goat for more head butting. I objected and now they try to sneak a Ram in as support for the billy goat. I don’t know what to do.

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