Week 6, Printing Challenge

Printing was a funny challenge. I enjoyed that one. I was toying with the idea of Gutenberg and his print. I was sure a lot of others would use that theme as well. I couldn’t use the kids in a printing studio. It would be chaotic. So I opted for their hooves. They make excellent little prints. Those little feet are all over the place all the time.

One of the kids discovered a little gap in the fence. When that happens they usually keep it to themselves. They want to keep it their secret. I have observed the goats using a distraction to loose the others away from the main attraction. Once all the others are happily entertained and not interested in anything else, that one goat sneaks away and checks out the hole in the fece.

This one isn’t particularly my favourite one. I have inked and coloured this one by hand. I’m used to this. I was just not happy with the end colour and the way it looked. I thought I play around on the computer with it a bit. It didn’t work so I left it as it was. I cleaned the whites up though. I always do that. I like to keep the eyes, teeth and speech bubbles clean. It’s not perfect in my view. But then again, I’m probably the worse critic there is anyway. I let others now do the judging. I have done my part and if I’m to change a few things I would have to start again from scratch. I have no time for that.

That is it for now. I hope you like the little story and we’ll talk again soon



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