Week 41, Sweets Goat Challenge

Welcome to the latest challenge. This is week 41 and the theme is Sweets. Sweets aren’t good for goats. Sweets aren’t good for anyone for that matter. I don’t even think Sweets are a dentists best friend. He has the depressing task of fixing kids teeth from a young age onwards.

But for this Sweets challenge I have the kids tricking the shop attendant. They come in with a flower and one of them is snacking on Sweets. I think they planned to take turns and not have just one eating it all. But I don’t think it ends up like that. That cheeky little bugger is pigging out all by himself. This trick isn’t going to work again, I can tell you that.

I had fun sketching this one. Again it works well with the perspective. The only thin I didn’t like was the colouring. That took a while. There are so many different colours. The Sweets are all very colourful. All those mouthwatering Sweets. I hope the little kids have a good dentist.

Actually, not all goats like Sweets. We have nine goats, the big boy loves a jelly bean, some of the girls do as well, but then there is Galaxy. She rather have that Pittosporum leave instead of some Sweets. Good on her. Sweets are never good for you. But again, this is a completely other story and we won’t get into that one this time. I’m glad you like this one and feel free to join in again in a weeks time.



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