Week 35, Botany Goat Challenge

Who to ask if you want to know about Botany? Ask a wise old Greek goat. You would it you are a kid. Old Greek goats know everything. This one here especially. He seems to know all about Botany. The...

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Week 34. Japan Goat Challenge

Do you know the pink flower in Japan? Plums? They are very popular and pretty. As I'm writing this blog, a lot of plum trees are in full bloom. Of course we have spring here in Australia. So this...

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Week 33, Mythology Goat Challenge

What is a mythological creature with horns? Amalthea, the foster mother of Zeus.  I know, it's strange to have a goat/human as a foster mum for a water creature. It must have worked. And since we have a Mythology...

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Week 32, Fabric Goat Challenge

Is it Fabric or Fabrik? That depends what you want. The later one is in German and means Factory. The can make fabrics in a factory. But in this challenge the kids wanted to know what fabric is and...

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Week 31, Shakespeare Goat Challenge

What's the most famous Shakespeare play? Probably the one that the goats didn't eat! I sent my three little kids on an adventure back into the Shakespearean times. And they are up to no good there too. One likes Mac...

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Week 30, Portrait Goat Challenge

What makes a good portrait? If it has a goat in it! At least that is my opinion. We are in week 30 with our challenge. This week it's portrait. Not an easy one to start off with. I looked...

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Week 29, Love Goat Challenge

How do you fall in love? Cupid of course! Then again, he might misfire the odd arrow here and there. I reckon this is what happened here. It must be love season to all the Cupids are on winter migration....

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Week twenty-six, Land Goat Challenge

How does a duck land? It doesn't, it crashes! This is a topic that can interpreted in different ways. That's what made this so much fun. At first I wasn't sure about this one. But I alike Gary Clark's Swamp...

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Week Twenty-fife, Africa Goat Challenge

What is in Africa? A goat? Nope, three! And a Giraffe. Of course there is a lot more happening on that vast continent, but I can't fit it all into a single picture. I played around with the perspective for...

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Week Twenty-two, Childhood Goat Challenge

Where did the childhood go? To school to become an adult! The goats have found out that the school is there to make adults out of children. But they don't understand it. For them all their life is like a kid....

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