Sam the self-proclaimed royal cat of San Francisco

May I introduce, ME! Everybody, this is me. You can call me Sam. I rule this castle in the hills of San Francisco. Sam is just a short form. My full name is Royal Ruler, Sir Samalot the first, Monarch...

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Dad is living in the past and he is a technophobe

My dad is a total technophobe. He lives in the past. You can't go past that. Pardon the pun, but it was too good to let to go. My name is Oliver, I'm 9 years old and I have a...

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Multiculturalism and goats. A fine combination or a disaster in the making?

Multiculturalism! Let me get this straight. I am a goat and What you see is a picture drawn by a cartoonist who thinks this is how multiculturalism works. He thinks it's cute to add a few goat around a...

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To hide within the texture, fun with Hannibal the octopus

You might wonder what texture has to do with this. We are in the vast areas of the worlds biggest oceans. There you find that you either eat or get eaten. Being able to blend in and even change...

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My most favourite thing in the whole world is ….

It is a simple question. What is your favourite thing in the whole world? I am on a farm and whenever I ask that question I get an answer straight away. I tried that the other day. And it...

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Red as red can be when the carrot stops

All the goats want is food. Red food, green food, yellow food, orange food. Food of all sorts. I love the little buggers and they give me great joy. But all they really care about is food. Sure after...

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One fine Saturday on top of a hill having fun with the Romans

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon when we were out on a bit of a stroll through the countryside. I'm Dustan and the other two are my sisters, Debby and Erin. We do that often on a weekend. Our...

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Music to the ears, at least to some

Music. Some say it's lovely. Mum is one of them. To me and my brother and sister this is plain silly. Every year it's the same. Dad thinks there is something in the air that makes him sing. Mum...

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Hans has his head stuck in a rain cloud

Many people deal with issues differently. Sticking your head in a rain cloud isn't the answer. In this case I can tell you a story about Hans. I have known Hans for a while now and he deals with...

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Ozzy, the long haired animal

You know, there are days when you get the weirdest requests. I get this text. Dan, we need a long haired animal. Right, any? I replied. Any! We don't care. It needs long hair and we need it now!...

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