There are times when you just need a hug from a friend

We all need a hug from time to time. Not necessary from a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife. Just a genuine hug from a friend. A friend hug. That’s all there is. You don’t need to ask a friend of you can have a hug. A true friend just gives you a hug. And in these times of uncertain, a random hug is all that is needed.

There is no intention of making this a political statement or lavish over who did what and why. We all know that there are people with bad hairstyles and terrible orange skin around who could wreak havoc by one venial comment. Where does that leave us? Certainly not in a comfortable position. We wake up in the morning to the news on the radio, not knowing if we still have peace. We might get radioactive fallout for breakfast followed by a year long nuclear winter. Prospects to make us wanting to stay in bed indefinitely.

We know that war isn’t because they hate each other. It’s over resources, land, power. Someone on a selfish ego-trip is getting handed the codes to deadly weapons and all it might need to stop this nonsense is a hug from a are friend. Not a friend who agrees with everything you say, but a friend who slaps you in the face and brings you back to solid ground. We are loving beings and we don’t need to fight one another for any reason.

So I’m sitting here on this park bench overlooking the valley. It’s supposed to be a lovely sunrise. All I can see is the white flashes and orange-brown earth thrown up high into the atmosphere. It’s not too close. I have still 10 15 minutes to enjoy this spectacle before the hot, radioactive blast is sweeping me off this place. I understand that this isn’t a pleasant conversation to have. But there is also no point in running like a headless chuck down this hill, trying in vain to find a shelter from this madness.

it has all happened now. Too late to ponder over who did what and the reason of why. It’s our now and I had a feeling I get to see this one morning. Here it is now. In some perverted way it’s beautiful. The colours are mesmerising. The architecture of that mushroom cloud is eerily fascinating. The physics of this event are devastating. It will leave a vacuum for many decades to fill. I just hope that nature finds a peaceful way to deal with this mess.

A friend comes up and sits next to me. We don’t say a word. We don’t even look at each other. I notice a warm smile. A smile that goes deep, right through the heart. Then I feel a gentle hand on my shoulder. I lean in and the sides of our heads touch. We’re hugging. Our eyes are looking straight ahead. Our hearts are jumping for joy. It’s then when a single tear runs down my cheek.

I will miss you my friend.


The end


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